The Power of Visualization

Visualization, also called guided imagery, involves picturing the outcome of an event or circumstance before it’s happened. It uses the power of your imagination to help you relax or relieve stress and anxiety.


There has been research into visualization to help control cancer symptoms and treatment side effects. Outside of lowering stress, studies have suggested visualization may help with nausea caused by chemotherapy and may be helpful in lowering anxiety before chemo or radiation. Another benefit of this technique is that it can offer a sense of control during a time when your life might feel out of control.


One example of how you can try this technique is to think of a particular place or activity that made you happy in the past, such as being in a forest or at a beach. You can imagine the sounds, smells, and feelings of being in that place.  


A couple of the main methods used in visualization are:

* The Simonton method involves imagining your body fighting cancer cells. You can imagine breathing in a cloud of soft healing energy, with deep regular breaths, and feel the healing spread throughout your body. 

* The palming method involves imagining assorted colours to represent different emotions. For example, you can put your hands over your eyes and imagine a colour that you think represents being anxious or afraid. You then imagine that colour being replaced by another colour that you believe represents strength, courage, or healing. 


To make full use of visualization as a powerful tool during cancer treatment, we recommend consulting with one of our registered psychotherapists, who individualize this, as well as other mindfulness techniques, for your benefit.


Author: Dr. Nadine Kexel ND, CCNM Integrative Cancer Centre Resident