Preparing for Your Visit
What to Expect
As a teaching facility, interns in their fourth year of the naturopathic medical program at CCNM learn to apply their academic skills to clinical practice under supervision from a regulated naturopathic doctor.
The naturopathic doctor supervising your appointments is your primary health-care provider at the Schad Naturopathic Clinic. You will continue to book appointments with that supervisor on the same day each week.
Your Clinic Visits
You meet your naturopathic doctor and their senior student intern during your first visit to discuss your health concerns. Be prepared to discuss aspects of your life you may not associate with your physical health, such as diet, sleep habits, stress level work and social life. Please allow up to 60 minutes for your first appointment.

Your second appointment reviews your treatment goals, and the management plan developed for you based on the medical information provided during your first appointment.

By your third appointment, you are implementing a natural health approach to address your needs while developing a partnership with your naturopathic doctor and intern approach to address your needs while developing a partnership with your naturopathic doctor and intern.

Follow-up visits based on your health needs allow for treatment adjustments to achieve the best health care results.
It Takes Time to Get Better
Some of our patients have spent many years with chronic medical problems unsolved by conventional medicine. It takes time to feel better, and we usually tell patients to expect to visit us at least four times and to wait approximately two months before noticing significant changes. Some patients notice changes sooner, but please be patient!