Daily Routines for Managing Fear and Uncertainty

Fear of cancer growth and recurrence is more prevalent given our current situation – the COVID-19 pandemic may mean that treatment, scans and follow ups are delayed. The fear and uncertainty associated with this time can interfere with our emotional and physical well-being.

There are daily mind-body practices however that you can start today to help ease fear, regain control over thoughts and emotions and improve overall well-being.

Here are some daily practice routines that may be useful during this time:

  • Say 3 things you are grateful for before your feet touch the ground in the morning. This is an easy mindfulness technique to start the day off positively.
  • Write in the “5-minute-journal” every morning. This is a quick and easy way to set intentions for the day.
  • Start the morning with a yoga class or walking/exercise for a minimum 30 minutes.
  • Perform a breathing technique of your choosing whenever you notice your mind beginning to think about fear of recurrence (e.g. Box breathing, 4-4-8 breathing).
  • Practice a mindfulness technique daily. Some of our favourites are: Headspace, Calm, Insight Timer
  • Narrow in on an old hobby you enjoyed; whether it is knitting, cycling, dancing, art or music and engage in this regularly.
  • While still maintaining physical distancing, surround yourself with a positive support group of friends and family and reach out to them regularly.

Author: Caitlyn Keates, CCNM Integrative Cancer Centre intern