Supplement Reminder Apps

Taking supplements and medications can be beneficial for our health and well-being, however for most of us, it can be easy to forget to take these on a regular, timely basis. This is especially true when navigating a complex diagnosis, such as cancer, where integrative treatment plans can quickly become overwhelming. We experience the most benefit from treatment plans when they are followed exactly as recommended by health-care professionals, and so it may be useful to have reminders that help keep us on track.  

Supplement/medication reminder apps are an excellent tool that can improve treatment adherence and ease some of the stress associated with trying to remember which, when and how many pills to take! Using any of the free apps below, you can simply input treatment plan information and receive notifications that act as reminders to take supplements or medications. Some of these apps include additional features, such as health trackers, which can be used to monitor symptoms and other health-related concerns as well. 

Here are three, no-cost apps that we recommend:

Take Your Pills 

  • This is a great option for users that ONLY want reminders, as it doesn’t contain other tracking features. Keep it nice and simple! 


This app serves as more than just a reminder – it also includes features that allow users to track measurements, lab values, activity, symptoms and monitor progress over time. It also gives you the ability to stay on top of appointments and share reminders with friends and family. 


This is another great option to consider that offers more than just standard reminders and alarms. It includes features that allow users to create customizable medication reminders, track a variety of measurements, symptoms, and lab values, and to view and send progress reports. You can also make notes, manage your appointments, input health-care provider information, and monitor prescription refills. 

Author: Chantelle Roberts, CCNM Integrative Cancer Centre Intern