About CCNM Clinics
CCNM Clinics represent the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine’s naturopathic teaching clinics across Ontario and British Columbia. Through experiential learning, we educate naturopathic students to support individuals’ well-being through high-quality clinical services to create a healthier future.

Our Envisioned Future
Two campuses, one clinical system, and one consistent goal to guide and inspire our patients, students, staff and faculty. CCNM Clinics aim to be a global leader in naturopathic clinical teaching, focusing on providing high-quality education to students and excellent clinical care to patients and the community.
Principles of Practice
The CCNM Clinics’ Principles of Practice Guide Us:
• Practice ethics and professionalism in all situations.
• Manage activities and relationships to counter biases and avoid conflicts of interest.
• Manage activities and relationships to counter biases and avoid conflicts of interest.
Patient-Centred Care
• Provide safe, informed, holistic health care centred around the patient’s needs, values, and preferences.
• Consult others for their perspective and knowledge, leverage team members’ strengths, and create opportunities for inter- professional collaboration.
Continuous Improvement
• Practice ongoing self-evaluation and improve approaches to clinical education, patient care, and clinic services.
• Provide empathetic care and service.
• Support diversity in the workplace and with patients.
• Respect community members’ lived experiences and provide accessible care.
• Support diversity in the workplace and with patients.
• Respect community members’ lived experiences and provide accessible care.